truly, truly
[click image]
Leave us go over this again. That is a LONG list of positive studies to consider. It might seem daunting and science-speaky, but really you don't have to go through all the vexing mumbo jumbo and graphs and charts and squiggles. Just reading the abstract paragraph at the beginning and the conclusion at the end of a scientific paper tells you a LOT.
For instance, they have nailed down the fact that methylene blue increases oxygen to the brain, which is known to improve memory. So, if yer turning into a bumbler because you drop into pockets where you can't remember something that just came up a few minutes ago — a sign of senility and/or absentmindedness — it will help you to take some.
There's a study about it combined with red light therapy.
There are questions about its mode of delivery... which they don't spell out for us to let us know if IV or PO or, I dunno, painting it on, would be preferable, or should be determined, or what... and mention of possible ill effects being unknown. LOTS of gray areas.
But also LOTS of our very topmost researchers are on it like white on rice. Medicine 3.0, as it's known, is coming on strong. It makes me very happy to see it because the 2.0 model is TOTAL SHIT.
I'm not so worried if it may be developed by use of harsh chemicals because I know it was an actually beneficial medicine before the big pharma thing took hold... something that worked and was tried and true and supplanted by "modern" "improved" therapeutics, but if it is not a happy thing for my gut biota, I really want to know about that.
Otherwise, so far, I think the benefits outweigh any downsides.
I mean, the POINT for me is to stop feeling like total crap. This is helping.
pipe up any time....