to my fellow conspiratards

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In case you are misconstruing my post from last night about CENTCOM taking out the terrorist with SUCH pinpoint accuracy, no, I do not approve of it... even though, evidently Donald did/does.

I don't approve of my country vaporizing or slashing to lunchmeat anyone, anywhere. Killing is NOT okay. I don't approve of war. I don't approve of warmongers. I don't approve of anything involving the elimination of anyone for any reason, ever, except in the case of defense of life.

At the core of humans, NONE of us approves of ANY of that. The problem arises when we're mindfucked to such smithereens we've lost the plot entirely. That is common to the vast majority of people on this planet. The desperation from it is "this world".

If we want to leave this world a better place, each of us must grow in spirit to the point where we are capable of discerning which side of the battle between good and evil we're actually on. Further, we have to stay aware enough to KEEP that up. It's slippery. AND, people who have not grown enough in spirit are going to be misled by people in whom we have placed our trust... over and over and over and over and over again.

They don't even MEAN to mislead us. They're wonderful people who have blind spots and following their every move or opinion or whim is the way to resume blindness after EVERY positive insight each of us receives... FOR LIFE. The buddhas of the ten directions don't get respite from this, EVEN after they've graduated to higher realms.

Do NOT mistake me for endorsing anything or anyone Zionist, ever. But also don't mistake my support for people who consider themselves Zionist for... what? Zionist-enabling?

Nope. They're as mindfucked as almost everyone ever is mindfucked. There are MANY good humans who are mindfucked by that, DESPITE every filthy bit of evidence that nobody who loves goodness and reviles evil should EVER support for ANY reason.

It makes my organs hop every single fucking time anyone goes knee jerk Islamophobe... including me! I still default, in heedless moments, to a particularly good Islamophobic meme or joke. Each time, I catch myself. And disapprove. NOT humorlessly. Just WATCHING to prevent me falling in... exactly like I do not EVER let myself in to Jew-hatred when the Zionist horse shit is making my hair stand on end.

I'm telling you this because it is my SOLE purpose in life to be of use to suffering sentient beings.

There's a path out, and I'm taking it, trudging along it.

I'm not listening to the people stumping for us to lose trust in Donald or his SecDef on the grounds of their Zionism. Especially not Donald, but I believe Pete has earned our willingness to give him a chance to help us OUT of the quagmire.

You might knee jerk to the belief that killing a potentate terrorist — made and paid by We the People — is mere subservience to Zion, but — excuse me — turning globalist psychopaths' militiamen into bite-sized bits serves freedom itself. They were NOT hired and trained to be casus belli by Islamists.

Islamists were hired and trained to earn paychecks, JUST like Christianists are hired and trained to earn paychecks. Mindfucked to pulp one and all of them. The bane of conspiratards everywhere.

NONE of them fully conscious of the uses to which their loyalties are being put.

I think I've come to view the recent demise of Syria as something you might call Nosbaracktu's Revenge, or maybe just The Neocon Project in Syria, and I need to point out that while Zionists might like it, true humans might also feel great relief that yet another trained freedom killer has been taken off the field of battle.

You maybe have to practice to keep a bead on exactly what battlefield we are actually on. This IS spiritual warfare.

You don't EVEN have to understand me. I'm just PLEADING with you to jump out of mindfucks. They're everywhere. Always have been, but MUCH worse now that they are wittingly employed by so many, so well, so quickly.

It's a serious pain in the ass to practically never get a break from the CONTINUAL mind cleaning project life presents each human, but every religion on earth, every mystical school on earth, is based on THIS one point. Clean your mind.

And bear in it that along with EVERY other lethal tool comes the advent of Deep Fakes. You MUST have some SPIRITUAL ability to discern the INTENT of everyone who enters the scope of your senses, NOT letting yourself get stuck in the potholes ANY longer than you absolutely have to. Every time you catch yourself. Amend yourself.

If you are in a deep pit you can't climb out of, counterintuitive as you might think it, let yourself drop even further. There's really no bottom to it. None at all. Get used to free fall. There's no splat. It's actually floating.

I mean it. Eventually, after you've braved all the fear of falling, the endless fall stops being anything approximating impending-cataclysm. It turns into free floating... like one of those orbs people think might be angels or demons or space aliens. It can't be faked. You CANNOT mistake it successfully.

pipe up any time....