sheet after sheet after sheet of very wet rain

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Has come to make a sodden mess of my mudroom again. I don't know if I can remember for sure anymore, the rain has been SO interminable this year, but I am almost certain this crazy relentless heavy rain bit started in mid October.

It would go for ten days to two weeks before we'd get MAYBE a day off, and then start back up again.

Well, we've been getting up to five days in a row with no rain, even sunny ones, and I was feeling pampered there for a minute.

Anyway, I had not been posting about the spectacular maneuvers of my beloved Rooskies because — like Donald — I'm SO sick of the dying, and there can be NO doubt about the outcome of the despicable shit show the Neocon Coup started, I just want it to hurry up and be over without me having to see and feel any more of that carnage.

But, yes, the pipeline operation was brilliant. Again heroes have done what heroes do.

No, I dgaf what happens to Ukraine anymore. Sorry. Not sorry... except, of course, for the terrible waste of Ukrainian people, humans, from WESTERN greed, hate and delusion.

Still, makes me feel literally physically ill to contemplate the levels of STUPIDITY and DELUSION in Western "Civilization" that caused all this. If we had ANY sense, we'd make it so people have to pass regular psychiatric screening tests to watch tv or participate in social media.

Mindfuckers, evil, evil, evil mindfuckers, lurk in every direction and our populations are flippin' LEMMINGS.

Maybe the worst part is we KNOW who those mindfuckers are, and NOBODY vaporizes them.

pipe up any time....