good lorty
[click image]
I think I slept for twelve hours last night. I feel both wonderful and totally spaced out. This daylight savings time thing discombobulates me more every time we switch from one end to the other.
As I was trying to convey to Hank yesterday, one would think my sleep circus would not even notice, since there is not, and never has been, ANY rhythm to it. It seems that, even so, it throws me FURTHER out of whack... which I had not imagined possible.
I hear we've been crippled by big fuckery over at X. You wouldn't think THAT would discombobulate me either, but I have something of a dependence on the people who post about posts there.
It's all very meta. And... annoying.
pipe up any time....
2 + 2 = 5
barking mad
life on the tubes
sleep circus