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I think it started in the SOG teams in Vietnam. When a warrior is SO indispensable he is revered by his brothers for the rest of their lives, never allowed to die because of the great stories they've kept telling about him, the saying goes that after the war they put him in a glass case with a sign on it:
That would be Erik Prince nowadays.BREAK GLASS IN TIME OF WAR
I mean to say I've come to love him, but I think he's itching to resolve everything militarily again. I kind of wish he'd've been Donald's pick for SecDef, but he's really better suited to his free lance human being gig.
On the one hand I do NOT agree with having contractors do our fighting. Period. Full stop. Nope. WE recruit. WE train. We support with everything we've got. For life. None of this keep the grunts for a few years, spit them out and rely on the radically-better-paid contractor experts shit. Balderdash.
But I think Erik could turn the entirety of our military endeavors in war or peace into what we expect from our military, and all around better in every way, for radically less than anyone else could do it not as well.
I'm pleased to announce that there is a distinct chance we'll not need him so much in his lifetime, but it's a shame he might not be used for every drop of his potential. He is a great, great American.
pipe up any time....