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Like the TWO sphinxes at Giza, and Abe Vigoda, Barbara Feldon, and now Gene Hackman dying twice — expecting a death number three for Ms. Feldon at some point — I think I'm slipping in and out of warp phases.
Don't give me ANY shit about this. I have DISTINCT memories of post cards from my great aunt and magazine spreads of Giza's TWO sphinxes, guardians of the pyramids, distinct MEMORIES of reports of the deaths of these persons from DECADES ago.
Granny Fussbudget admitted to me that he, too, experienced this sort of thing, and knew people also insisting on certain things of like character. His theory, well, his best guess at a less cosmic explanation, was that certain populations in certain areas were getting certain kinds of fake news stories as some kind of test for determining devious means of mindfucking us to a pulp, or maybe getting some clue about the performance of people's reality testing faculties.
I don't think Wilma would've sent us a dysinformation post card.
There is a third option. We really ARE biological androids. The immortal They sometimes get playful with code upgrades.
pipe up any time....