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He's not crazy. It's just that almost everyone else is.
I am so relieved to find him back enunciating, I can't tell you. Yes, yes, I'm waaaaay too much older than he is to have a crush on him, but that does not preclude the instant connecting somewhere there's no such thing as age. First time he ever showed up on the JRE, TEN years ago, I was riveted... and it was sealed when he talked about having to close his eyes to see the way through the forest and back to his truck.
Almost no one GETS that... that one CAN see better through one's eyelids than without them. I don't know if telling you that you can will help you one little bit, but, sorry, you can.
He's got the résumé to have been the love of my life, but for having waited too long to get out here in it with me, that's for sure, but I've been very impatient with his seemingly bottomless capacity for snapping off public access to what's really him. I get it. I get it.
The good old four star General Public will eat you alive.
But, Sturgill, you can't run out of that food no matter what you do. You can bare every inch of your eternity without it ever running out, keeping your privacy as pristine as ever anyone could desire. Yeah, there are vampires in every direction. They can't drain the real you.
pipe up any time....