like methylene blue
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This kid is suddenly popping up everywhere I surf. Which means it needs my attention. It struck me not long ago that we need a more spiritually-inclined population if we are to survive the globalist psychopaths, and that Christianity might be easier access for more Americans than Zen is.
I'd tried a thousand times in my youth to at least get a feel for it, but it was always pure mumbo jumbo to me, and I went through the entire spectrum of American attitudes toward it. It was not until I'd finally gotten The Point from the Ekayana practice that I began having patience for devoted Christians... well... with lots of help from CS Lewis... and for at least a decade I've been fully able to respect Christians, even though I believe them to be entirely too left-brained.
Thing is: the whole process of truly getting the crux of ANY spiritual practice, any mystical school, is that humans have wildly varying capacities for it. It's pretty much all pointing to true human adulthood, and you grow there from YOUR starting point and at YOUR pace. Period.
So I'm thinking that paying even more attention to this young man will help me have a better clue how to be of service to left-brainers... even though they're usually tedious as fuck. I mean, they can't really help it, now can they?
I'm going in.
I won't, probably, bother you with it here, but maybe a little if it's good.
pipe up any time....