in the last half hour

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I have come across three citizens trying to tune Donald up on facts, all of them with sincere wishes for the success of his presidency. I hope they get through.

I'd like to add that giving NoCal water to SoCal is NOT the way to fix the problem here. I don't know about this "smelt" bullshit, but I really DO know about the salmon. We are never going to have a healthy salmon population here again if we don't un-dam some rivers. Studies have been done. Real ones. Dams are NOT okay for the planet.

The tribes up here have lived for 12,000 years BECAUSE of the salmon. The dams have caused RADICALLY reduced salmon populations. We had a terrible die off in the Klamath a few years ago. The water was too warm and the Ich grew and killed the fish. WILD salmon is just about the healthiest thing any creature can eat. The reason it costs SO much to eat it now is because rivers that always turned red with spawning salmon throughout millennia here, DON'T now. It's NOT from over-fishing. It's from halting the salmons' access to pools in the mountains where the babies won't die of the Ich parasite before they can get back to the ocean.

The answer to the California water problem is NOT taking water from other ecosystems to support a metropolis in a place that NEVER could support it. Desalinate ocean water and/or drill deeper for fresh water down there.

pipe up any time....