i'm glad i decided to check on this
[click image]
I was calling bullshit on a really crappy article on this, kneejerking to more fishing for government grants, but these fellows say they actually accomplished it on our regular internet cables, and it won't take anything fancy to put it into general use.
I know, I know, what do you call "fancy"? And won't the totalitarians be shitting bricks... putting hits out on the scientists? So, for all intents and purposes it's still bullshit, but not AS bullshitty as I first thought.
In case you would be interested, I read about this concept at LEAST fifty years ago. It was in a conversation Einstein was having with — if memory serves — Bohm in the early 50s. It was postulated as a possible physical explanation for telepathy... which has interested me greatly from very early childhood because it happens to me at odd moments to this very day.
No, I have no control over it. It just happens. If I want badly enough, I could MAYBE get you in the same barn with me, stop thinking and listen to your thoughts. Maybe. I can stop thinking at will. In and of itself, that makes it easier to hear you.
pipe up any time....