i dunno
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They've been working overtime to muddy the waters permanently on our New Year's Day surprises, and I'm left with the same feeling as my instincts were saying before all bits started coming out.
I think nasty people wanted to account for two earlier deaths with these so-called "unrelated" incidents... and to add fuel against China and Iran... kill two birds with one stone twice.
The cadavers came in handy. I know the NOLA cops supposedly killed the supposed ISIS fanatic, but it was away from prying eyes, and probably was not even NOLA cops. I'm not saying they didn't drive through the crowd and kill people. It just wasn't a Muslim extremist. It was one of our homegrown deep state extremists.
And, the "driver" of the Cybertruck was probably Matt, only Matt's dead body strapped into the driver's seat. Don't give me any of your guff about the self-driving Tesla's checking to make sure your eyes are open feature. A dead guy strapped into the driver's seat can have his eyes open even more easily than a live guy.
Way too many narrative-serving conclusions to be drawn from those incidents. They're LYING. Their narratives are LIES. They're "catapulting the propaganda" to fling us in the direction they want us to head. Don't die an idiot.
pipe up any time....