because it's a soros template

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An amorphous blob of NGOs, think tanks and other non-agency feifdoms, on top of the historically bloated bureaucracy of yore. I tellz yiz, if you didn't listen to Benz on Rogan a couple days back, you just DO NOT get it. I made it through... finally... and I can tell you this with assurance.

If you tried to do a graphic of our federal government, it would look like the graphics of the Open Society Foundations that are SO complicated and near impossible to depict legibly. We cannot see the genesis of these machine gun insults to our constitution, our intelligence... plain sense... BY DESIGN.

When they say "our democracy", they mean this Sorosesque blob of power nodes. We think, rightfully, that our country is a republic, and they never use that word anymore. It's ALWAYS "democracy"... THEIR construct, not ours.

We better not waste our big chance now.

pipe up any time....