war geeks
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I hate Zionists. I have since I was a very young girl. They have seemed NO better than Nazis to me since 1967, when I was old enough to test the tv with the library. By now, they've surpassed Hitler's thugs by parsecs.
Now, it's too much like Stephen King's The Stand... Israel being Las Vegas, and Lebanon/Palestine being Boulder. If you have not ever read that book, you should at least go find a book summary to give you a solid fix on the kind of struggle between good and evil we're talkin'.
Zionism is NOT Judaism. It's not religion. It might be spirital in the sense of Satanism being "spiritual"... like, I'm here to tell you the fact of them calling Hezbollah "terrorists" is THE ultimate instance of projection.
Maybe you feel exasperated by wokesters calling you racist or fascist. That's not EVEN as starkly fake and utterly false as Zionists calling Hezbollah or Hamas or any remote incarnation of Islamism "terrorist".
Stop getting your world history lessons from movies and television.
And I'm going to do my best to STOP paying attention to this particular incarnation of EXTREME evil, not because it isn't worthy of all my energy to revile it colorfully, but because my only means of effectiveness against it is to stop nailing jello to a tree and get spiritually stronger.
I can't ever stop hearing my teacher telling me that, yes, I should drag a drunk out of the middle of a road, but NOT talk to him. As in, do NOT bother. Waste of vitality.
pipe up any time....
consensus trance
turn off yer tv