rainy day here

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I still need to cool my jets from the INTENSE effort not to kill my doctor a couple days ago. I don't know if you have ever come right face to face with someone who insults your core sensibilities SO hard those very sensibilities in your core start going off like fireworks no matter how successful you are at keeping them inside your skin, but, well, my circuits are still fizzing.

Kenny linked us to some darn soothing Mark Knopfler last night and I was listening to it all morning, but, despite my love for Mark, I've been left in need of David here in the warm and dampness, watching my mudroom puddles widen, wishing it could be this mellow for the people decked by hurricanes over there on the gross coast.

Anyway, as you know, murder is illegal, rightfully, and justifiable homicide is only slightly less horrific, so we don't have to worry I'll ever actually kill somebody — unless, of course, my homicidal vibes start working on their own — and don't scoff, I've knocked people on their asses without touching them more than once — I think I have it diagnosed.

She's just a totally shit, lazy ass, imposter following Obamacare to the letter... in other words, more of a secretary for people who have a good idea what's wrong, and a prescription pad for those who don't... NOT going to be of much use unless you are perfectly healthy and just need some facetime with a credentialed person to sign off on that.

Thing is: she doesn't listen either.

So she sends you off with a bunch of make-work orders for labs and imaging with obnoxious passive-aggressive notes on them, all of which cleverly slip the bonds of telling her what she needs to know to end up having fulfilled her role in your life.

I mean, this has become SO reliable, I don't think it's mere stupidity anymore.

It's malicious stupidity....


It's 7pm, high fog and sun set. The fog is purple. I think that might be the electromagnetic action from the batch of CMEs been hittin' us over hyar on planet erff.

Well, and, for latecomers, here's much newer and older and more recondite for the rest of humans... if we've lived through our doctors.

pipe up any time....