it's the weekend

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First item on the complicated system of pipes to hit my eyeprints this morning:
Since these terrorists are seriously risking a world-ending WWIII, given their control over Washington puppets, it behooves us to understand the instrument of our demise. Ron Unz, a Jew (so he can speak with some authority on Zionism and withstand the "anti-semitic" labelling) and an incredible researcher, discusses the most horrific and brazen acts of terrorism and assassination in history, most of which have occurred in our lifetimes, and much of which has been directed at Americans and Brits.

It is a long article that can also be listened to. It is extremely well-researched. It is detailed. It has many references. And it is accurate.

It is a recommended "must read" for anyone who still doesn't "get it".
And, so, dammit, I'm listening to it because reading three hundred yards of cyberscroll is close to completely impossible for my enfeebled self, and I've already sat through most of those videos anyway.

I wouldn't bother you with this, but for the fact that Ron Unz has been at this for even longer than I have; was once a daily go-to for anyone concerned with the OUTRAGEOUS crimes against humanity of the "Zionist Entity". I've had to tear myself away for at least ten years out of sheer self preservation.

I mean, at it full time as his life's work — like the also venerable Electronic Intifada and Mondoweiss — none of whom I could bring myself to endure after another six or seven years of concentrating on the problem to the point of ruining my aching nerves. Maybe we could think of any of them as Boomer versions of The Grayzone.

If maybe you like me fine but are vexed by my insistance "against" Israel, any of these people might end up convincing you that you have been suffering under the hypnosis of our mental conditioning for too long. Zionism is FILTHY.

And has been since its birth.

Try to remember the bit from Goebbels about repeating lies often enough.

Zionism is NOT Judaism. It's been straight terrorist from well before even 1948.

ALL of us have had to shamefacedly drag our brains away from the FILTHY lie called "Israel". I know a bozo who thinks Zionism is a form of Judaism. I know a bunch of bible-thumper Christians who think that too. IT DRIVES ME UP A WALL.

It's sheer savagery our civilization had long decided long before I was even born was too primative to let continue.



pipe up any time....