a small mental exercise

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So you can decide who did this.

Today, there has arisen something of a controversy on whether we should take MacGregor's view or Doctorow's. Truly, some are taking umbrage that Doctorow could suggest such a thing, but he is not alone, and he might have a point the size of Asia, IF you consider what you call the United States.

By shear force of habit, we think of it as the president's job, and the duty of congress, to lead in matters of war and geopolitics in general, but, ahem, when you have a corrupt and/or mentally-deficient president whose entire administration has been run by members of Permanent DC, you can have elected leaders completely innocent of what the NOT innocent unelected are doing. I submit there is an extremely good case to be made for what I'm suggesting here.

I know people who squabble over whether it's Nosbaracktu or Pillary running our country right now, but it doesn't even have to be either of them. It could easily be the entire Neocon Blob from past administrations and present doing it ALL. Darth Fudd could be THE executive for all we know. It is NOT Brandon or his dipshit wife... and it will not be Khlammydia if/when they steal next month's election.

In fact, they may have decided to get WWIII going full swing and let Donald have his second term while they're all down in their Deep Underground Luxurious Bunkers [DULBs] with hot and cold running slaves. They can just let us all duke it out for survival up here while they keep a bead on radiation levels.

I'm saying, nobody whose job it is to handle this stuff, or their mouthpieces, need necessarily know anything about it! They're props, ferfucksakes. Bibi will know whose word he can take and whose he can safely ignore.


Consider my point. Take the time. Don't skip over it. Your life could depend on it.

pipe up any time....