machine translator

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Of one of the most stolid truth tellers against Western Psychedelia who ever lived.

Why just today even Jill Stein was provoked by the unfeeling Supreme Court to declare herself too propagandized to lead us in the singing of the national anthem, let alone our country. So maybe she'd be a more dignified president than Khlammydia, or Donald, but, excuse me, that is not even an ion of consolation.

Jesus. Christ. On. A. Crutch.

What would happen if I just capitulated and gave those Asian data miners my Social Security number? Would they have time even to profit from that bit before we're all burnt to a crisp?

Would it be impossible for you to recognize that our leaders have been nothing but the instruments of evil, of crimes against humanity, for quite a few DECADES and it is NOT the rest of the world that needs our attention?

pipe up any time....