i've been suspicious of the numbers

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For a few years now. Something just feels way off. Things like China not being able to fill up their prefab cities; how they dropped in the popular estimate of 2.5 billion so swiftly down to 1.4 billion, just like India; how they stopped counting death tolls of wars over the last twenty years and we KNOW millions and millions and millions were killed; the sundry plagues they've unleashed; the poison food; the poison vaccines; the crap medical care; first world fertility rates in the toilet; the mobs of homeless who ever more quickly turn into fentanyl casualties; the mobs of third world citizens breaking into first world countries at their governments' invitation; the fact they've thought, in public, that 500 million should be our maximum global population for many, many decades; they're panting for WWIII; we can't check with our eyeballs... and... they're liars.

pipe up any time....