creepin' me out

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In the last minute of this video, a short bit about killing Azov Nazis and Germans....

I dunno, man. I'd just been thinking that for all intents and purposes, the Russians have been fighting NATO for at least the last six months, there not really being much difference between what it would look like if it had been declared and all bets off.

I mean, yeah, maybe it would've gone sideways for a week or two, but after that, NATO would've stripped itself down to bare nukes and had to face using them or giving up... which would be why we should just goddam admit that, whatever you might believe about the man, Vladimir Putin is the patron saint of PATIENCE.

THE very stumbling block of my entire life's futile work to perfect.

So... I'm not dead yet... and he's there as a beacon for my, if not perfect perfection, at least beneficially-improved perfection of the consarn patience business.

pipe up any time....