a lifelong peacenik, i guess i can still be darn savage

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When sorely pressed. It's taken Craig Murray eleven months to get where I've been for 56 years... homicidal ideation is the result of ANY bit of news from PALESTINE now. Palestine. Get that straight.

Zionists are not Jews. Israel is not Jews. Zionists are, and always have been, TERRORISTS. They are WORSE than the execrable-yet-so-chic Nazis who slaughtered their neighbors, and for more than 75 years they have been whining loudly about their precious holocaust — the putative six million Jews they fed to the Nazis — when they have not been out blowing shit up and murdering people... AND over here using Jeffrey Epsteins and mountains of cash to keep our government in line.

If your knee is still jerking up to bash the notion we must protect Israel from all those [NOT] rat bastard Arabs through your teeth into your pudding brains, when the goddam truth is, and has been, right under your useless nose, STOP IT!


Some of you might be thinking it's outrageous an American is saying this, like, who am I to talk, when my country does terrorist stuff through the CIA, et cetera, everywhere on the planet, but I've been hollering about all that the whole time, too.

When I say nobody ever listens to me, I'm not whistling Dixie. You prefer to listen to the bullhorns of relentless solipsism and propaganda, that you already DO know don't make much sense, but forever figure you must not be aware of enough facts or something.

Well, that's probably true... the unaware of enough facts thing... but that's not MY fault. That's not the Palestinians' fault either. IT'S YOURS. Use your heads.

I still say it is extra ultra-helpful for Americans to take the six hours to listen to Kiriakou so you get a good enough idea of HOW far off the mark your education is from reality. This shit has to come to a screeching halt.

We're going down.

It's up to all of us how far down we go.

Write it down. Tape it to your bathroom mirror. STOP FORGETTING. Whenever you forget to remember REALITY, you add to the benightment of, not just you, but all humanity. IT IS IMPERATIVE YOU STOP FORGETTING. You CAN undo your mental conditioning.

pipe up any time....