i'm pretty sure he's dead

[click image]


Maybe he's in a coma on "life" support. I mean, maybe they caught him before he was technically dead for good or just had to hook up his corpse to some machines to emmulate vital signs. The conspiracy community is losing count of the doubles they've fielded. And this is just too stupid and disorienting by now.

I have no pity for the shit head who went by the name "Joe Biden" for all those decades, but he's been gone for most of the last decade. Not that he was ever fit to pretend he was president, but that lack of fitness doesn't apply to any aspect of his presidency. He could have been the living incarnation of statesmanship his whole life and still been 100% unfit for the office when they put him in it.

Trump won 2020 by a landslide. Do NOT give me ANY shit about that statement. I watched EVERY hearing. I looked at EVERY assessment and report from biased and completely unbiased sources and every damn video of misconduct at polling places. There is NO possibility that Donald did not win that election by a landslide.

There is NO possibility that Khlammydia will win 2024. None. She's filthy and despicable and EVERYONE, even the most rabid of lefties, knows it. This is beyond the pale too stupid to be borne.

I'm in a LOT of physical pain. Maybe that's part of my problem. But can someone please tell me what in the heck this video is about? I mean, yes, we know about the corruption nobody's bothered to prosecute ever, but what does this, at this point, have to do with the price of tea in China? WHAT purpose does it serve?

Jailing his whole family in his crypt?

pipe up any time....