this is ubiquitous

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It used to be reserved for plot devices in movies, where you'd think to yourself no one in real life would ever be so unconscious as to behave like that. You might even conclude it was good to see their hypocritical asses smoking with frustrated self-regard as a kind of public service, a kind of dramatized teaching device, blinking neon to kids never to be this way. You don't want to grow up to be one of these. It's ugly. It's low. It's SO weak-minded and spiritually empty it's a disgrace to your community.

You think it's too much of a caricature to be found in the wild, too nauseating, too obnoxious, but it's fashionable. People congregate to reinforce it with each other.

It's coming from your mother fucking TVs, you idiots.

pipe up any time....