i'm gonna try to get through this

[click image]


I think there could be some actual nuggets of vital insight nested in all the wooly self-exposition of "intellectuals" here. Luckily for anyone interested, it's broken down into easy to click bits.


Cullen is taking forever to show the ballistics have to come before the audio analysis. He is saying that, based on the videos available as of six days after the shooting, the ballistics show THREE shooters. First from the forested area behind the venue, aimed at the counter-sniper team, and scaring the snot out of them, hitting the flag-draped guy and the railing in the stands; second from the water tower, hitting Trump's ear; and third from Crooks' direction, hitting the fireman on one side bleachers and a man with black pants and white shirt on the other side bleachers... ALL these so close to simultaneously as to be easily confused with each other.

He's no pro at making the visual that goes with his assessment, but you should LOOK.

Thing driving me craziest is CROOKS WAS NOT WHERE ALMOST EVERYONE PLACES HIM. If he had been, then neither TMZ nor the people on the grass freaking out and pointing to him could have seen him OR video'd him. If they'd been in the parking lot freaking and videoing, he'd've been faced in the opposite direction.


Okay. My friend, Cabbage, found some images from the TMZ video that pretty much make me have to admit that my impression of that video did not show him as close to the grassy end of that building as it seemed with a split second's view of him. The telephoto lens REALLY compressed distances and I'm just too short to immediately grok how one can see someone lying on so almost flat a slope from down there on the ground. So I'm going to let Crooks be where people are placing him on that roof... for now.

pipe up any time....