short and sweet — plus longer and meatier

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No ranting. Darn refreshing.


What's not so short and sweet, but also indispensable to your understanding is the link I posted last night warning you it might try your patience, but was stuff we need to hear. Right now Israel is whining to every global authority and power center to get their revenge and our third world war over Iran hitting them in retaliation for their murder at the Iranian Embassy in Syria two weeks ago, but this also might have the feature of stopping their genocidal rampage in Gaza and the West Bank.

We'll be seeing soon enough, but you need to have listened to Hudson about why all the murdering of journalists and aid workers and hospital workers has been taking place. He has FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE of it.

I'm trying to wake you up to the fact that WE are the baddies this time, and maybe if you realize this point you will help stop it. Maybe you feel nihilistic enough to just let 'er rip however she's going to, but maybe you'd rather not end up starved to death or nuked to vapor.


More from Scott being reasonable and helpful, and maybe Hudson in writing will do you better'n having to listen... scroll down for the transcript.


Aaand... BLAMMO....

pipe up any time....