i'm going to turn this up

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And listen to it from my not-a-tub. You already know I'm not voting for Junior, but I'm pretty sure this will give you a good idea why. Plus, I'm becoming more sure he's just in it to draw votes off Trump, not Biden, because you HAVE TO know millions of liberals have been voting for Trump and will be again. He's nothing like his father and even less like his uncle. He's married to a total twat Hollywood liberal who IS NOT a pariah in that completely witless-with-fear-for-their-celebrity crowd.

So I'll be struggling with myself over whether to keep true to my idea to completely withhold my vote this year, or to cave in to the immortal lesser of two evils. Though, realistically, NOBODY'S vote in California counts, and hasn't in a very long time. The psychopaths own our entire electoral system and we only ever get what they give us, and force presidential candidates to work their butts off trying to override our huge number of electoral votes.

It stinks. It's unAmerican. I don't want to be a drag. I don't want to sound defeatist. But the clusterfuck is SUCH a blur of butts and dicks I really might sit the next one out... not even bothering to make them feel the karma of always stealing my vote. They don't care. They just do NOT give even a seed of the proverbial fig about that karma. They're happily evil, through and through.

pipe up any time....