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We seem to be able to call this place "News From Debbie Downer" these days, but, well, I'm trying hard to recover myself from VERY long in a just about constant state of ten-alarm-fire style state of stress. So I have been sleeping my brains out for more than a month, damn well stuffing my anti-pharmaceutical bent whenever my sleep circus wants me awake, so my completely fried circuits can repair.

I only leave when I must. Otherwise I'm sleeping or learning or bathing or doing dishes or watching an old movie. Everything aimed at restoring my wits and stamina from a stupidly-long string of life crises, very litle of which were my own fault. Basically, no matter HOW bleak out there or in here, onrushing senility or not, jets must cool AND facts must be faced AND quality of life CANNOT just be flushed just because the cosmos is on fire.

pipe up any time....