someone i love

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Has been making this documentary in his free time, on his own dime, and it's almost done, but just because you will end up able to have watched it for free, doesn't mean you should totally forget that he's gone into debt to bring it to us.

I hollered that I better not be dead before he finishes it years ago, and he's been sharing clips with me and using me as a guinea pig for the last few years. It's some very serious stuff delivered in a very funny way. I never even knew Renato Laranja existed. I still know nothing beyond he will make your jaw drop and you will laugh, but even the dull and serious people come with brilliant splashes of black humor that maybe were always funny, but not half so funny as in Saturnin's context.

Anyway, I love him and I've seen him do gorgeous music videos for guys struggling to make their music careers... for no money. I could go on and on about his wonderful and generous soul. So if you can help him get out of debt he will put your name up on the silver screen and there will be justice SOMEWHERE for a minute or two.

And, when he gets his long trailer done, maybe I can post that, too. He still has to shave some seconds out of it.

Thank you.

pipe up any time....