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While I have been struggling to get little chips of sleep and not being very successful, but first up is the notion they are concealing from us a rather bold rebound in sea ice.
I'm somewhat addled and running a very mild fever, while trying to cut out the very least reliable bits of information flooding along my burnt eyeprints. For instance, I'm not falling for the shit Sidney Powell has been posting because VERY, miserably-VERY evidently, she, or whoever is posting up stuff on her social media, has been falling for total horse shit that seems like big breaking news almost on the daily.
So she doesn't vet stuff like maybe she does for court, and so if half of Europe is really currently dead or seriously impaired from the not-vaccines, I'm going to have to hear it from someone more credible.
Things are going to shit in Arizona...
We would rather no one reports on the shitshow in Kabul...
Possibly literal shit...
Never fly Delta...
Secret assassin wants to speak out...
We might actually get all Americans out of Afghanistan... if, that is, reports of help from commercial airlines and other countries and RUSSIA are really taking place. Also assuming this is finally a reliable number, which is by no means assured. Also assuming they can even get to the airport...
General Flynn appears to be endorsing Jocko's Plan:
When it comes to American citizens in harms way anywhere around the world, there are always options and yes, we should do whatever it takes to rescue them, come hell or high water. If you were one of those trapped behind enemy lines in Afghanistan, you want to believe that your country, your military, your loved ones were doing everything they can to get you out and home safe and sound. That’s what I want to believe. I’m done beating on who’s in charge (we must deal with that later), I want to see all our citizens brought out of Afghanistan alive, safe and sound. There are always options. As I’ve said many times, the best plan gives you the most options right up to the last possible minute. That is, if you have a plan. Thank, as often as possible, our young men and women serving in our military, especially those now deployed to Afghanistan and may God help and protect those Americans still in harm’s way. Prayers matched with smart actions will result in success.having linked his if-I-were-president Instagram post...
Don't look down your nose at the Chinese until you fix it here...
I've been wondering what they even do beside porn, so maybe this covers it...
Don't give him any shit... because it will cost him that much and he'll do a better job than the psychopaths are letting our military do...
Listen, Armenians are hotheads, and you gotta love 'em for it. I've never met a non-hothead Armenian, and can't imagine one...
Everybody move to Ukraine...
Repeat Zelenko... because he knows his shit...
And more Yeadon... because he does too...
Try not to forget that Steve Jobs is dead...
This just in... Americans and Brits are getting the same message...
What Border Patrol?
pipe up any time....