memorize this — now with transcript

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I am not kidding.


John Trudell — What Happened to the Tribes of Europe

By the time Columbus got here in 1492 — see, people had many opinions about him, who he was or what he was, but whatever, see, he was really like the virus. You know, the spirit was being eaten by disease and it affected the perceptional reality of the human.

See, so, when Columbus and them got here and we told him who we were, they didn't know. Well, we’re the people, we're the human beings, but they didn't know because it wasn't a part of their perceptional reality. The concept was no longer a part of their perceptional reality.

See, this is what happened to the tribes of Europe and the descendants of the tribes of Europe. And so I know that by the time Columbus got here — and I got a pretty good idea of way before that, but — but by the time Columbus got here, the idea of a human being and people in that kind of a way was no longer a part of their perceptional reality, and we'll look at... but what did... what did Columbus come out of?

See, when he got here this hemisphere had an no protection to this disease because it had never been here like that. So there was no immune system to the disease as it moved because the disease came through the wind and the water so it was airborne in a way and water carried, so it just took the shape of a man rather than something you can't see, but it arrived.

Alright, and the spirit that was being eaten, which made this diseased perception of reality. So by time Columbus got here — alright, let's look. About 1100 a.d. or 1000 a.d., the church made the decision that it was God's government. It was the authority of God on earth so it was God's government, and at that time the descendants of the tribes of Europe no longer remembered that they were – that they’d come from tribes.

This wasn't really a part of their conscious reality because by 1000 a.d., see, they had been owned by — they'd been owned for many many many generations — by, by whoever claimed ownership of the land and started owning the land, and then they became, they became fiefs, and they became serfs, and they became peasants. So they really had no reality about being a part of the tribe anymore because they were just the property that was owned by whoever the landlord was, or the royalty at any given time that owned that land or claimed that land. They belonged to that. They were like all of the other natural resources of the land. But they still prayed to spirits, see, they still, the women still had a stronger role yet from the old tribal way, and they still prayed to spirits.

So the church — by 1000 a.d. or 1100 a.d. — it decided that it was now going to mine this resource — I mean, save the souls of the heathens, see, so the church created the inquisition and basically the inquisition was, number one, it was to change the perceptional reality of the descendants of the tribes of Europe, alright? And so they were terrorized, brutalized, for 500 years in order to do this. But, but the way the church rationalized this was they were going to save — they wanted to possess the souls of the heathens and the pagans.

See, they wanted to possess their souls in the name of their Lord. Alright, so this war was to, about possessing the souls of the descendants of the tribes of Europe, and in order to possess their souls they had to alter their perceptional reality. So if you thought differently than the church wanted you to think, bingo, you were, you were killed, you were tortured and your property was taken. And if somebody accused you, basically you were guilty if you were accused.

You know, oh, and, incidentally, during the torturing process you’d probably say somebody else's name, and now somebody else is gonna kinda.... So they killed as efficiently as they possibly could with the technology they had at hand at the time and they did it for 500 years. By the time Columbus got here it had been going on for 400 years.

So by the time Columbus got here — let's say 20 years to a generation, just for the lifespan during that time frame, alright — so by the time Columbus got here the descendants of the tribes of Europe had been through 20 generations of having their spirit just completely attacked. And the way this possessed thing kind of just seems to manifest itself, so they became spiritually and physically now the possession of something else, see, when before that it was just physically.

Now they had become spiritually the possession of someone else. See, so they had no clarity about reality. So by the time Columbus got here, see, they didn't know what it meant to be a human being anymore. It was just not a part of their spiritual perceptional relationship to reality. They were possessed. They were owned. They were property.

You know, and one of the other things about this that kind of evolved out of that, I think it evolved out of that, was anyway when the church was doing all of this to get the descendants of the tribes of Europe. Alright, they finally figured out, well, hold it, if I wanna stay alive, be a descendent of anything, I'm gonna have to accept these people. So they embraced the church, because they had to embrace what they feared. So they had to love what they feared in order to survive. What they had to love, the thing that they had to love that they feared, was possessing them.

So it's like love and fear of possession as a perceptional reality, it kind of kind of became intertwined at that time and the human beings have not been able to sort it out yet. So that affected everyone in some kind of a way that's not been healthy for us as human beings. So anyway, anything, and all of these things that have happened to us through our generational evolution has been a learning experience, has been a part of our evolutionary experience.

See, but I think that we're in the right time, we're in the right place at the right time, even if we don't quite get it. See, I don't think that we're here, there's a reason we're here, we're here at the time for us to be here. That's why us, in the lives that we have lived that brought us to this place and that we will live when we leave this place.

There is a reason that we're here and part of it is — I know we're here at the right time and we're in the right place. It’s just how, how are we going to start perceiving reality, you know, and that's just really where it starts to, it starts to become more clear. Out of self-respect, we owe it to ourselves. Out of respect of self, we owe it to the selves of others, you know, to be, let's use our intelligence as intelligently as we can as often as we can, right? It's not even saying all the time, but maybe we get there some day.

To understand, and you know there are moments in our lives, there are times in our lives, when coherency would probably be the best thing to do. You know, before one deals with what's there in front of them, because a part of what this confusion is, that I call this pollution, is left over in our perceptional reality, see. It’s got to do with they don't want us to think, okay, this is the deal. Whoever this miner is, the way this thing works, they don't want us to think.

I mean, I didn't really understand it. I knew this, but I didn't understand it. I knew this a long time ago because at one point when I realized somewhere along the way that there was like these 17,000 pages of stuff on me, right, and I thought, hold it, here. What'd I do? You know, because I know what I did, you know, so I know this was… I know how I participated, and just once it sunk into me about all of this had been done around someone like me, right, and it made me think... why I understand what they fear now.

I mean, I know what they fear. I know their paranoia because sometimes I can be coherent, see, and they don't like that, right, they don't like it when I'm coherent in front of people because then we're coherent together. See, whether we agree with one another or not isn't the point. They just don't want us to be coherent, individually or together, right. And so that's really what I figured out. This is why they have to have people spying on people and they’ve got do all this, because they don't want us thinking. They don't want us thinking.

I mean, in the hypothetical, some kind of dream — well I don't even know if this is a dream, this — but if we all, if every human being woke up tomorrow morning and said, all right, I will not enable what I know to be the lie all day today, it would change. It could not function if every human being got up tomorrow and said I will not enable it. I will not participate in the lie today. It would change, see, but that's not gonna happen in our lifetime, right. Well, I don't know I should never say never, but I don't see it.

But anyway, about us being in the right place and in the right time, because in our place in the evolution, see, it's how we use our intelligence that says. Because no one can control what's going to happen, even those in authority. They can't control it. They've got us intimidated and they've distorted our perceptional realities, alright, so that we don't see as clearly as we should, but no one can really control it.

But what we can do, and what we will do, alright, is we will influence the evolution. We will influence it if we use our intelligence as clearly and coherently as we can, as often as we can. Then the evolutionary future will be more clear and coherent for us. If we use it pretending to think, but we're not really thinking, because you know then that means the future, the evolutionary future, will be unclear and unthinking. See, this is the participation. This is the, because this is the power relationship we have to reality, just like an earthquake has, you know, an earthquake or a tornado we’re....

Remember now we are shapes of the earth, and we have consciousness, and we have being, we have essence. So it's like we're drops of rain, you know, and enough drops of rain get together, you know, and you get a little, you can make a real storm. And the authoritarian system has to adjust to the storm. They can't fine it or indict it. They can’t, you know.

When it snows, the next time you get shut in in Chicago, remember your relationship to power, because you're a snowflake, alright, and once we understand our relationship to power, then, then this other thing that is the wind, this other thing, right, it appears, whether we... it works, individually or collectively, but, see, but we have to understand to use our intelligence because this is our create... and how good, how good are we at creating with our intelligence. Then let's look at our own personal dark sides and the things that give us our fears and our doubts. This is how good we can use our creative ability. This is how effectively we could use it.


Thanks to Joely, who was moved to sic his computer translating gizmo on this and try to make heads or tails of it enough for me to go through it a few times, twice with the video playing to make sure I hadn't ruined the sense of his stream of consciousness while making it readable for you left brain types. It might help you budge from it. ❤️

pipe up any time....