i tole you

[click image]


And that's not a fake....


Crikey. Even checking confirmations isn't good enough anymore. Esper is vehemently denying it. That second paragraph, though....

It says "movement out of Iraq"... maybe clumsy wording or even a typo, or it's a fake the Iraqi army made, or it was not supposed to be leaked and the Sec Def is having to deny it... or any number of other possibilities.

I, myself, have been cautioning people not to get too excited about anything in the news because now is the time for MAJOR mindfuckery from every quadrant, but leapt on this one after checking to be sure it was confirmed by a major news outlet... argh, not even that is good enough anymore. Now you have to find fifty confirmations AND wait for government sources to put it down in black and white before you can, provisionally, rely on it.



I "feel" there is someone in that office whose first allegiance is NOT to the United States. I think that is a real letter that was leaked, maybe disastrously. It's a photograph of a not signed copy, which means one of three things: it's a total fake, or awaiting signature, OR the unsigned file copy... well, OR a draft sent accidentally, as General Milley says.

pipe up any time....