they're stringing me along
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I mean, I'd be wanting out of all committee assignments if I were Grassley, not just switching over to the Finance Committee. He's EIGHTY-FIVE YEARS OLD and could maybe sneak in a few years of gadding about to fancy conferences and lounging on long and lovely vacations, no? Yes.
But if they don't get off the stick with the matter of so many indictments needing to happen, I might very well stroke out. I am serious! I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK. It has been suggested that not just Justice Roberts', but also Lindsey Graham's "control files" have been taken out of use for blackmail, freeing them now to return to their full inclinations to function. A plausible case was made for it, and so I will try to settle down for it in 2019 if I can.
pipe up any time....