a persistent theory about songbird
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They think the glioblastoma story was bullshit and that he was executed for treason. There is, of course, this possible slip of the tongue of overly-Christian utterance to help grease the skids and there may have been a heads up from Q a couple days before... but the showing up for a senate vote so shortly after surgery... hell, the failure to resign from the senate with that diagnosis, and the outrageously long survival from the date of diagnosis... these things make one wonder. Maybe only because we know he should have been executed for treason long ago, or maybe because it explains it better?
I managed to look it up and there was no heads up beforehand. Again, I do not like all this oblique speak and I don't like the sounding-too-good-to-be-true angle either. I don't know. It pisses me off because it runs parallel to what I've continued to try to remind you and so it makes ME more apt to fall for it... so I don't.
pipe up any time....