you already know i'm a yayhoo
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But I'm also an injun, with heavy Cherman overtones, big tits, high IQ, as far left as you can get, as far libertarian as you can get, a middling excuse for a Zen mistress and damn old. I told you before there was a good way to handle this, and that nobody would listen to me. There was and they didn't.
Still, it blows my skirt up that there are some of the male persuasion this late in the game who are showing the whole world they are still MEN, and I'm crestfallen that the Paiutes didn't go out there with food and supplies and unarmed feds and have a good old fashioned conflict resolution that would have suited everyone.
You'll pardon me if I have to project back through history to wonder if it hasn't been the deathless politics-of-lifestyle morons and the abject pusillanimity of those whose brains shut down at the first sign of trouble that has enslaved humanity... that has brought us to this point in world history where psychopaths are this close to ruling, and ruining, everything.
There was everything at stake and the mindless public opinion as good as pulled that trigger on our chances. I don't know how many more we'll get.
always and any time....