that's nice
[click image]
Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, and shows the psychopaths haven't lost all sense of propriety... yet.
And, as is the annual tradition around here, the very first cold night of the season brings the sugar ants into either my kitchen or bathroom. One year it was both. This year it's the kitchen. I didn't bother with my usual frenzy of scrubbing the scouts off the counter before they could report back because they always just send more anyway.
I went directly to my little sugar ant poison dropper and that's going to be that. Party time at nines' house. It gives them a big thrill before it kills them.
And, no, it has not thing one to do with how clean your house is. Grubby or sparkling, all the same to them, and everybody up here gets it every year without fail. The rest of the year they're perfectly happy to stay outside and do their itty bitty ant-like things. Let it drop below about 58ยบ out there, though, and it's to the manor boys.
Usually I only have to poison one nest of them a year, but sometimes that's not the end of it.
always and any time....