i don't trust this woman
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I think you should hear her because I think it's an upgraded limited hangout... you've heard of the modified limited hangout, but this is definitely an upgrade. This is just a short version teaser, and there are a thousand interviews with her online for both of her "novels" you can choose from, but, overall, my suspicions have only increased every time I listen to her.
I think you should pay attention because a lot more true information is being filled in. Gage having failed abjectly to get enough people off the scalar weapon narrative and the mini nukes narrative and back onto the conventional controlled demolition narrative, here's Rebekah with enough more real information to help flip you back to conventional thinking... with radioactive undertones.
Planes, probably retrofitted drones, flew into the towers. It defies public physics and credulity, but planes flew into the towers, and they left airplane-shaped holes in them. The only way this could be so is if the molecules of WTC steel and concrete were dissociating, losing cohesion, finding themselves disinclined to hold together, almost inclined to flee from each other... not yet actually doing it, but nice'n buttery for the hot knives... good enough for government work.
In any case the buildings would've been full of charges... conventional and fancypants kinds. The bases needed to be covered, but in no case would conventional explosives, even military secret ultra groovy nanoized thermite paint, or nukes, mini or maxi, have accounted for all the observables. Definitely not the planes into the buildings and definitely not the spire turning to powder before our eyes and definitely not the paper flying all over the place and definitely not the weird embedding of wood into metal and definitely not all the partially melted metal on intact plastic a half a mile away.
So. If you care. You're going to have to listen to her or read her stuff, and discern where she is skirting important evidence or outright lying and find out if you can get to the documentation she keeps talking about.
You'll have to spend another year on it.
Just one ferinstance. The Israeli art students, hitherto only being known to have been keeping an eye on the patsies, suddenly had their own floor in one of the WTC towers, and there are pictures of them, and they now have a sexy name!
Far from this being a clear case of further besmirching poor beleaguered Jews by racist maniacs, this is a known favorite tactic of Zionist racist maniacs to make themselves and Israel look more justified to stockpile nukes and shoot kids who throw rocks at them. So, you might begin to see what I mean about the need for discernment and how much time this will eat up.
They can stretch this out until long after you are dead.
And anyone not being used by the psychopaths who's smart enough to start getting too close to the truth, if they are popular enough, begins going on about ET races and UFOs and whatever other self-marginalizing stuff they can glom onto — voluntarily letting themselves into the set of all people controlled by psychopaths to serve psychopaths' ends — so that they can then go around holding conventions and making a living at their shtick, only a little worried about a cap being put on their asses.
Like all the inactivists of all time, they are frightened and flattered and bribed into following the path of least mental and emotional anguish and most ego stroking... with a clear path to supporting themselves in the pontificating business. Perfect!
They retain their good opinions of themselves — Truth Tellers! — keep eating, and there is a bottomless ocean of good excuses they can use against their livid consciences.
They, too, can stretch this out until long after you are dead.
always and any time....