to review

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Since such a nice nap took me last evening, I knew I wouldn't be sleeping until the sun started coming up today, again, as per most usual if I must live anywhere near "civilization". So I set myself some stiff listening for the night. After enduring two hours of my smoking buddy going over the same old shit for the quadrillionth time with Hoagland, I switched on a nice long interview with mtsar from a long time ago, from sometime after he published his first book.

I've heard it before, but not for a long time, and he'd packed a long time's fervent studying into it... a really good overview of the threads from the various canons that have served to put some of us, including my smoking buddy, onto the scent of truth to begin with.

Listening now with much better-educated ears, I can say that Michael might not be 100% right in some of his conclusions, but I think he has the best grasp for generalists, for those of us who don't want to wallow around in the weeds until we're dead. It is apparent that one can make a living, however modest or subject to wild swings, by sticking to any story that admits of plenty space aliens... modern space aliens... making deals with psychopaths to produce this mess we call "the world".

Well, one thing my doctoral work has produced for me so far is the conviction that we are the space aliens... or... likely better thought of as space-alien/earthling hybrids. The prodigious studies of various researchers point pretty much undeniably to the reality of that polemic-leveling idea, and listening to this three hours gives you a good start on how to go about deciding for yourself that this is much more plausible than anything you've been taught.

Still, if you need to make money on your theories you will stick as closely as you can with a straight face to all this being the process of entities from elsewhere battling it out to save us from our cruel overlords... whatever configuration you want, so long as it relieves humanity of the duty to take responsibility for this mess.

They're not back-engineering crashed vehicles. They're not making deals with little gray men to provide lab rats in exchange for billionaire-making technologies. There's no mothership full of luminous saintly incarnations out there using the psychic faculties of certain chosen bloggers to reassure us they are very near vanquishing the bad guys and the check for X-million dollars is in the mail. They're not materializing in the desert night to soak up adoration from small groups of earnest yuppies.

None of that shit.

The blueprints for all this technology have been here, under the control of the psychopaths, for millennia. It's been a hard slog to bring "civilization" to the point where they can manufacture it. There's a lot of in-fighting amongst psychopaths and getting control of the whole bequest to the future by any one faction has been rough going. They have needed to recruit us for various slaughter-fests along the way and it never seems to get the whole enchilada exactly, but century-by-century, decade-by-decade, year-by-year, they get closer to one faction controlling everything.

THE prime imperative of all squabbling psychopaths is that you remain unwilling to take responsibility. If they have to fill your head with every conceivable horror, or with endless iterations of marvelous fiction, or poison you so badly you can barely tie your shoes, or just plain work you to death to keep you from getting to the part where you are responsible, well, for sure, they do it... and you'll keep paying for it.

always and any time....