it is so raining

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And look how it's getting here!

My heart's been in my throat for days because of all the little fires popping up all over the place. Cal Fire has been doing an amazing job of jumping on every little one of them, none getting to be more than a few acres... so far... but there keep being more and more and more of them, not a day going by without a minimum of three new ones somewhere in Del Norte or Humboldt and lort only knows how many more inside a two-hundred-mile radius of my house... and I just can't take any more of heaven burning down.

I don't want anywhere else burning down, but the trees up here are struggling hard enough already. The crap coming down out of the chemtrails, however they're formed and whatever is dropping from them, has been taking its toll for a couple decades. Bark beetles are getting to the weakest of them already and forest fires are going to take MUCH worse tolls on them than ever before.

I'm hoping this strange pattern will be scooting some rain downstate. I'm not gloating here. I've been worried sick about the trees and the gazillion critters who depend on them.


Well, it was only an hour of pretty good rain, and the heaviest of it seemed to just evaporate before it got here, but there wasn't any lightning with it if my new mesmerizing lightning map is correct.

Still, there's a chance a little more rain will hit before this system is pau.

I can hear my garden out there, now, going, "Woooo-hoooo!"


9:22pm... it's raining again!


The next day...

You know what? I'm in sucky physical condition. I'm pretty healthy, but OUT of shape... especially since I lost to that fucking dandelion some weeks back. Seems the better I sleep, the more I wake up with that pain coming back... must be my body is relaxing better... and it has its downside.

So I'm now hobbling a few blocks every day in the hope to get the preliminaries all laid down for strengthening my back again, see if that doesn't help the most of anything.

If there were a horse to ride around here, I could get my back back really quickly. All the innermost fine musculature gets very well toned up from riding horses, especially with proper equitation... but that's not the reason I get so mad at all those sacks of potatoes riding my dream lusitano stallions. Fuck their fitness, when they're not working harder to optimize the horses' ability to perform with least deficit and most benefit.

Yes. The horse's fitness is at stake too... still... I only, thanks to youbube, get to dream of riding those dressage stallions, and the project of actual improvement of physical fitness is at hand... foot....

Four blocks yesterday and four more today. Gorgeous weather for it. Overcast, with patches of fog. Not cold. Not warm. Harder today than yesterday. Tough shit. Four or more tomorrow.

always and any time....