i shouldn't've bragged

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I was bragging to BB2 about about the insane number of fires so far this year, all of which have been leapt on before they can gobble up the landscape. This one's already bigger'n I can take.

And the weather today has been astonishingly strange. Overcast and clear by turns, and on the way back from the store near sunset, there was a stark white fog bank at the mountain tops, a marine layer clear out to the horizon over the ocean, and various extremely low very wispy slate dark clouds in the blue sky in between. It looked as though a tall guy'd stuck his hand up and run them through his fingers.

It was ranging up to maybe 74º and so muggy you needed to be in cotton to soak up all the sweat and then down to 68º and the sweat starting to dry, when the sky would get very dark and the temperature would swing back up again and the sweating started all over again, up and down, up and down.

It's 70º right this very now, and I'm hoping the fog up there is wet enough to keep that fire from getting fancy on us.

always and any time....