brain hemispheres

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I have a staggeringly strangely high IQ, according to standardized testing, and furthermore, they say, it is almost perfectly evenly distributed between my right and left hemispheres. It always leans just a jot, just a tiddle, just a pentaquark in favor of the right brain. Say 49.5% to 50.5%, or even 49% to 51% when they're feeling less precise.

But this does not explain to me many, many things about the apparent differences in my cognition from that of others I encounter, by far the most vexing of whom are the ones who persist in these left brained blizzards of idiotic nuance despite the catastrophes of nuclear proportions bidding them leap from their stultifyingly self-constructed prison cells.

I'm out here screaming that not only are their cells unlocked, but the doors are wide open and the bars are made out of earwax!


always and any time....