zen practice

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It is Zen practice not to grasp and not to push away, and I need to be able to speak the lingua franca in order to make myself understood at all, so I damn well keep track of stuff from people who make my skin crawl. It is not fun.

So what?

Sometimes they are talking with someone worth listening to, or prospectively worth listening to. So these things tend to bunch up on me, sit back there waiting for me to get to them, and then I try to get to them all on a day when I'm feeling relatively sturdy.

Today was such a day. And Icke was the least of them, visceral loathing wise. I wasn't able to get through any of them. There was one with someone I ordinarily respect and I saved that one for last because it was the most likely to be endurable.


Couldn't do it. Shysters, all. And, whaddya know but their pictures all came up on an image search for somebody else entirely. Cosmic. Depressing. These are disingenuous, egomaniacal pains in the gut who do not have your best interests at heart. They have your money at heart.

I can even endure a website from one of the most execrable humans alive on a daily basis, but not these people, and this is just a sampling, not all of them by any means. I have to admit that it turns out he's less execrable to me than the other side of his coin. I think it's because he doesn't pretend to give a shit about you.

I mean, I am willing to be appalled in order to learn, but I'm not a damn masochist.

always and any time....