miss pelling hasn't been to sleep yet

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I am up and drinking strong coffee. I may even make myself a nice breakfast and have another couple mugs of mud before I drop....

If you want a reminder of what prigs people can be, about the stupidest stuff, and illiterately in the bargain, just browse through the comments under that seriously deficient list.

The word "whoa" is not on there, when 95% of the people on the tubes spell it wrong. Nobody even brought up about all the ASSHOLES with high fallutin university degrees who use the word "phenomena" when they mean "phenomenon". The one with the "a" at the end is the plural! You putzes! Or should that be "putzi"?

This inversion irks the snot out of me! This phenomenon is a thing and issuing, every time I turn around, from the lips of supposedly well-educated people discussing weighty matters and it's seriously demoralizing to me... hurts my ears.

So, the phenomena of misspelling and misusing words are harrying me this morning.


always and any time....