keep it simple stupid

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All you need to know is at the beginning and in the end is the central bank. In our case it's the Fed, the Federal Reserve Bank. Forget all the buying and selling and loaning and paying and fancy financial instruments and trusts and bonds and stocks and shares and paper and metals. It's all wrassling, as they say.

The central banks write checks to governments on accounts with zero balances. No money in them. They loan money that is not money, that is thin air, to governments... at interest. The governments put this "money" into circulation and then tax you on it in various ways in order to pay back the central bank... at interest.

The central bank is owned by private people. We can't find out who they are. But each of them gets 6% of what the government pays them every year.

If I had a scalar weapon, say, or even just convinced everybody I was the sole surviving descendent of the queen of the Tolowa, I could become the Central Bank of Khoonkhwuttunne, live in my perfect cabin in the trees by the river, with my clawfoot tub and hot and cold running maids and chefs and drive a fucking awesome Porsche. All, with maybe an extremely small investment for some really distinguished-looking rubber checks.

Built by the temporarily penniful for the penniless... drinks babies' blood... you dig?

You like money? Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

always and any time....