i'm sick of it

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I get it. I get it. I can see there is a great need for it at this point in world history, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Of course, the men fought bravely and for their loved ones, for their homes and their neighbors and their countries. That's what humans do.

Psychopaths think up ways to make it seem needful, as though there really is no choice, and pretty soon there actually is no choice, and everyone's left killing and dying and remembering and glorifying and forgetting that it was some despicable fucks wanting things they had no right to take that caused it all.

The people of Russia have to be ready to fight again right now because those despicable fucks are at them again, but those despicable fucks would have to slink back into their caves while we all go about making a better world if anyone would bother to make them.


And it isn't going to be against Germany....

always and any time....