i know this sounds weird coming from me

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Having been such an avid participant in the Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilization Conference in San Mateo last year, and all... but... sometime after I sobered up from that big explosion in my hermitude, I began feeling there is something amiss. I mean, beside a bunch of people with big brains breaking them in front of each other in their efforts to parse the many wisps of "evidence" for stuff we're all supposed to straight up know about if it's happening.

I am a hermit because every encounter with people, especially new-to-me people, leaves me with parsecs of subliminal information that gradually opens out into liminal and then blooms fully into more or less outright apparent after I've had some time to recover from the psychic nuking of meatspace encounters... back alone at my post... puttering... or waking up with the newly-realized bits coming into sudden focus.

There were people at that conference I did not like or trust. There were people there I liked but didn't trust. There were people there I didn't like but trusted. There were people there I just plain loved and still do. But it just kept popping into my head that we are supposed to think this, that the psychopaths want us thinking this, and that means we must not think it. Anything the psychopaths want is almost certainly lethal to human beings.

Well. I struggled with it. Of course. Kept putting it out of my head, but it kept getting louder. And, now, something like this, tailor made to put us all at ease about UFOs, has done the opposite for me. Imagine that! Ohitlist's very own pilot is making the world safe for UFO nuts? Is that right?

It's probably that they can't hide all their long-secret craft anymore and prefer we all think it's space aliens. They want us to think a lot of things that are outright false... half of them known to be false and the other half just idiotic guesses we're supposed to take seriously. The point, for them, is that we stay misled... stay squabbling over the nuances of unspeakably intricate maths — maths that say everything, anything and nothing — and very busy impressing each other, outdoing each other, with our erudition on such recondite matters as guessing what the fuck the fucks are up to.

I don't like it.

Add to that the fact that, and I've been saying it for years, the way to make a living on the system of pipes is to make your site about money and UFOs. Or UFOs and money. One or the other is good, but guaranteed if you do both. Auxiliary posts with crystals, organic food or aroma therapy are acceptable. Why? Because the number of jumbo-sized children, drunk with greed for fun and profit, is epic, and the number of these with disposable income has not shrunk enough to prevent it.

So, but, well, now, now that it's encouraged by both psychopaths and outsized kiddies, your status as an independent thinker is history, and you're like all the [in]activists basking in their street cred over the ever more toxic environment, or swiftly shrinking human rights, or feeding ever fewer of the starving masses.

You're controlled opposition.

I know, I know, you'll talk yourself out of this point. That's what your brains are for... and they've never failed you yet.

always and any time....