i just fell off my chair laughing

[click image]


After I clawed my way back up from my paroxysms to take the image to post here, I had extreme difficulty clicking and dragging and getting the right software up and just generally trying to get enough air not to pass out from mirth.

You will immediately have noticed why I had to break my rule not to have to look at the faces of war criminals and psychopaths running for office or in office, let alone have to hear them, except in the most briefly revealing bits, and I'm doing it for not even remotely political reasons.

She's a vicious psychopath who shouldn't be loose on the world even as a mere citizen, but... OMFG this is entirely priceless and I can't help myself. I may have to go to the ER from all this laughing.


Closing in on an hour later, I still can't look at this picture without laughing. I can, for a moment, maintain composure while trying to get the best crop and contrast for it, but it's fleeting. I break out belly laughing almost immediately anyway.

always and any time....