handy wipes

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The deal is, you don't eat bread, you don't eat grains, because it's poison. It's not a gluten intolerance. It's not that the shit turns directly into sugar before it hits your stomach. It's not that this contributes to the rise in diabetes and depression and obesity and heart disease. It's not that there are proteins in grains, particularly wheat, that are toxic in humans. It's not that there are genes from unknown other life forms being bred into seed stock globally, that there is almost no way to get any grain that isn't poison.

It's not that humans were never designed in the first place to eat grass.

It's ALL of these.

Meat and potatoes turn out to be your best bet. It's been the bread and cookies and doughnuts and cake all along. You get the plaque in your blood vessels from the carbs giving you little rips in the cell walls. Cholesterol goes to fix it, patch it like it's a leaky inner tube. It is a leaky inner tube.

And you don't need fiber to poop right either. You need that to scrape your intestine walls like you're scraping your blood vessel walls. I know what I'm talking about. Anyone who is hypothyroid knows what they're talking about on this front. Stop eating grains and you poop better, waaaay better.

Stop eating grains and you will drop phenomenal amounts of weight very fast. You can be stuffing yourself with bacon and steak and sour cream and lard and you will drop that weight very fast anyway. Part of it is that you will finally be shitting out the polymers lining your intestines, but the rest of it will be you finally peeing out the inflammation in your organs, and blood vessels.

Just as we will be clambering for National Guardsmen to be posted on our streets, cheering for the fascist clampdown. We have been cheering for the foods that are killing us. Yes, yes, we all die. Most of us would prefer it be later and ALL of us would prefer it not be preceded by years and years of wrenching infirmity.

The one Zen thing I actually learned for permanent at the "Zen Monastery" where I lived for a couple years was that you can live just fine without tasty food. Bland slop works as well as zesty slop. I learned it's in fact quite trivial whether I'm liking what I eat, not going to ruin my life.

I also learned there that without enough good protein in my body I can barely even think straight, let alone function. I know others don't seem to do as poorly, but I can also tell their ability to think straight is badly impaired by it. It is almost mandatory to harp at them at least a little because they can't keep the facts in mind long enough to respond cogently to conditions.

This video might help a little.

always and any time....