no shit?
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Who was that?
I keep trying to figure out how I can find out who that was. They say they think it's this "Buddhist master" from a thousand years ago named "Liuquan". This is problematic because Chinese masters never are just one name. No, no, no. They have a birth name and a dharma name and then they get named after the mountain they teach on and then the eggheads get ahold of the shards of evidence that they existed and can't fucking agree on the way to write it in our alphabet and by now we have what appears to be sometimes six or eight names for each one of them.
Most of my books that would help me see if I can find him in the Chinese pantheon of mind heroes are under mounds of stuff in the back bedroom awaiting the day I get my main space fit for human habitation, but I did a fairly extensive check online and I think Liuquan was a prince, not a master.
always and any time....