i can't make it through it
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It's twelve years old and I can't bear it. It's old news. It was at the time. It did not penetrate. Saying it over and over and over and expecting a different result isn't even education for young people anymore. It only flows with everything else into the general paralysis, no? Yes.
But can we learn from reviewing?
How long was I screaming about spectatorship ruining every minute of our lives together? When did it first occur to me that watching tv and movies really only helped train our brains that our world is a spectator sport? That our family and friends and coworkers and the people on the street are abstractions like Disney cartoons and sitcoms and cop shows and romantic comedies?
Decades before this documentary was made. That's for sure.
Nobody got it when I screamed it. Nobody got it when Woody screamed it. Screaming is loud impotence. And, yet, you must not let it demoralize you off life's stage....
always and any time....