hear hear
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This may be highly entertaining, but it is also deadly, and I am pleased as punch to announce to you that I believe wholeheartedly these idiots should be laughed right off their tenure and into vats of... peanut butter and jelly....
Some years ago now, I was considering taking up the House of Death case, to analyze, to further investigate, but the keeper of the piles of documents was a certain professor who'd been entrusted with them, or got them himself... I can't remember... as a consequence of one of the envious eyelash batter's compatriots blowing the whistle on this appalling clash of agencies and grisly murders. If I wanted to become an expert on the whole mess, I had to go through him. He was picky about who should be allowed to see his documents.
See, this House of Death thing was about racism... nothing more... and if that was not going to be my focus, he wasn't interested in sharing.
It was about the DEA and ICE trying to disembowel each other. It was about extremely high-ranking government officials in Mexico and the United States trafficking in drugs. It was, possibly, the key for me to become the next Gary Webb, and this twit was outraged by the racism of it all, how brown drug runners and reporters were being slaughtered because they were brown and not because they were too close to where the big boys were making trillions of dollars off the books entirely.
I'd chalked it up to abiding pusillanimity instead of just lethal idiocy, but now I'm not so sure.
always and any time....