we could put them out of our misery, you know
[click image]
You will probably recall I pitched a fit about the naked hatred on display while Oborgqueen was delivering his mindfuck masterpiece to the General Assembly. This would have something to do with it, no? Yes.
It's because psychopaths are in control. If you can't think what to do about it, you really, really need to get honest with yourself about how insidious the system is, how it warps everything, especially that which you have not questioned since you were a little kid.
I mean, is it really better people die horribly all over the world than you doing the work to wake up?
A hop over to Farrell's site yields up pertinent bits: one... two... three....
This happens because he's like a vending machine. You stick in your link and kerplonk. Out comes wild speculation based, mostly, on airtight research and a dazzling grasp of history. It's spectacularly entertaining. It's also seriously good for those piecing together what accounts for observables, since the official line almost literally never does that these days. Those who need spoon feeding are left satiated and those who will feed themselves are helped.
So people flock to insert their links in him.
always and any time....
barking mad
don't die an idiot
shiny barbarism
they are trying to kill us
they can't control grownups